StdIn Property |
Exposes the stdin input stream of the IWshExec interface.
PowerBASIC Syntax
Return Value
IDispatch. Reference to a ITextStream interface.
Use the StdIn property to pass data to a process started using Exec.
Example [PowerBASIC]
The following code starts a batch file and waits for the user input prompt. After entering the needed data through the StdIn stream, the batch file will be able to complete.
DIM pWsh3 AS IWshShell3 DIM pWshExec AS IWshExec DIM pStdIn AS ITextStream DIM pStdOut AS ITextStream DIM strInput AS STRING
pWsh3 = NEWCOM "WScript.Shell" pWshExec = pWsh3.Exec(UCODE$("test.bat")) pStdOut = pWshExec.StdOut DO IF pStdOut.AtEndOfStream THEN EXIT DO strInput = strInput & ACODE$(pStdOut.Read(1)) IF INSTR(strInput, "Press any key") <> 0 THEN EXIT DO SLEEP 100 LOOP pStdIn = pWshExec.StdIn pStdIn.Write UCODE$($CRLF) DO IF pWshExec.Status = 1 THEN EXIT DO SLEEP 100 LOOP