EncodeScriptFile Method |
Encodes an script. The Script Encoder encodes only scripting code, with all other file content left untouched to appear as plain text.
PowerBASIC Syntax
Return Value
The encoded script.
Example [PowerBASIC]
#INCLUDE "windows.inc" #INCLUDE "scrrun.inc"
DIM fso AS IFileSystem DIM pStm AS ITextStream DIM pEncoder AS IScriptEncoder DIM OutString AS STRING DIM strStreamOut AS STRING
' Create an instance of the FileSystemObject fso = NEWCOM "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ' Open the file for reading pStm = pFso.OpenTextFile(UCODE$("C:\MyFolder\Test.txt"), %IOMode_ForReading, %FALSE, %FALSE) ' Read the entire stream into a string OutString = pStm.ReadAll ' Close the file pstm.Close ' Create an instance of the Script encoder and ' encode the text. ' This is for demonstration purposes only, since the text ' we are encoding isn't a script. ' Note: We aren't using UCODE$(OutString) because ' OutString already contains unicode text. pEncoder = NEWCOM "Scripting.Encoder" IF ISOBJECT(pEncoder) THEN strStreamOut = pEncoder.EncodeScriptFile(UCODE$(".vbs"), OutString, 0, UCODE$("")) MSGBOX "Encoded file: " & ACODE$(strStreamOut) END IF