Delete Method |
Deletes a specified file.
PowerBASIC Syntax
An error occurs if the specified folder does not exist.
The results of the Delete method on a File are identical to operations performed using FileSystemObject.DeleteFile.
The Delete method does not distinguish between files that have contents and those that do not. The specified file is deleted regardless of whether or not it has contents.
Example [PowerBASIC]
DIM fso AS IFileSystem DIM pFile AS IFile
' Create an instance of the FileSystemObject fso = NEWCOM "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ' Get a reference to the IFile interface pFile = fso.GetFile(UCODE$("C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt")) ' Delete the file pFile.Delete %VARIANT_TRUE IF OBJRESULT = %S_OK THEN MSGBOX "File deleted" ELSE MSGBOX "Error &H" & HEX$(OBJRESULT) & " deleting the file" END IF