Execute Method




Executes the query, SQL statement, or stored procedure specified in the CommandText or CommandStream property.


PowerBASIC Syntax


METHOD Execute ( _




) AS ADORecordset





Optional. A VARIANT to which the provider returns the number of records that the operation affected. The RecordsAffected parameter applies only for action queries or stored procedures. RecordsAffected does not return the number of records returned by a result-returning query or stored procedure. To obtain this information, use the RecordCount property. The Execute method will not return the correct information when used with adAsyncExecute, simply because when a command is executed asynchronously, the number of records affected may not yet be known at the time the method returns.


Optional. A Variant array of parameter values used in conjunction with the input string or stream specified in CommandText or CommandStream. (Output parameters will not return correct values when passed in this argument.)


Notes  Use the ExecuteOptionEnum value adExecuteNoRecords to improve performance by minimizing internal processing.


If adExecuteStream was specified, the options adAsyncFetch and adAsynchFetchNonBlocking are ignored.


Do not use the CommandTypeEnum values of adCmdFile or adCmdTableDirect with Execute. These values can only be used as options with the Open and Requery methods of a Recordset.


Optional. A Long value that indicates how the provider should evaluate the CommandText or the CommandStream property of the Command object. Can be a bitmask value made using CommandTypeEnum and/or ExecuteOptionEnum values. For example, you could use adCmdText and adExecuteNoRecords in combination if you want to have ADO evaluate the value of the CommandText property as text, and indicate that the command should discard and not return any records that might be generated when the command text executes.


Return Value


A Recordset object reference, a stream, or null.




Using the Execute method on a Command object executes the query specified in the CommandText property or CommandStream property of the object.


Results are returned in a Recordset (by default) or as a stream of binary information. To obtain a binary stream, specify adExecuteStream in Options, then supply a stream by setting the "Output Stream" property. An ADO Stream object can be specified to receive the results, or another stream object such as the IIS Response object can be specified. If no stream was specified before calling Execute with adExecuteStream, an error occurs. The position of the stream on return from Execute is provider specific.


If the command is not intended to return results (for example, an SQL UPDATE query) the provider returns Nothing as long as the option adExecuteNoRecords is specified; otherwise Execute returns a closed Recordset. Some application languages allow you to ignore this return value if no Recordset is desired.


Execute raises an error if the user specifies a value for CommandStream when the CommandType is adCmdStoredProc, adCmdTable, or adCmdTableDirect.


If the query has parameters, the current values for the Command object's parameters are used unless you override these with parameter values passed with the Execute call. You can override a subset of the parameters by omitting new values for some of the parameters when calling the Execute method. The order in which you specify the parameters is the same order in which the method passes them. For example, if there were four (or more) parameters and you wanted to pass new values for only the first and fourth parameters, you would pass an array of variants with the first and fourth elements holding the values and the second and thirs elements set to EMPTY as the Parameters argument.


Note Output parameters will not return correct values when passed in the Parameters argument.


An ExecuteComplete event will be issued when this operation concludes.


Note When issuing commands containing URLs, those using the http scheme will automatically invoke the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing.


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